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Early Signs Of Pregnancy Before Missed Period

Symptoms of Pregnancy: 18 Early Signs

Checklist of Early Signs Of Pregnancy Before Missed Period

What are the early signs of pregnancy before a missed period? Each human body is different, and so is the way each body goes through pregnancy. Some women have more prominent symptoms of pregnancy during the first weeks after conceiving or throughout the first trimester, while others have more symptoms later in the pregnancy.

A first pregnancy may cause different symptoms than a subsequent one.

Not all moms-to-be experience the same set of symptoms. Most of the symptoms they do experience are the same ones they have experienced during menstruation.

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Below are some of the commonest signs and symptoms occurring during the first trimester.

Darkened Areola – Early Signs Of Pregnancy Before Missed Period

The areola, or area surrounding the nipple, darkens. This is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy.

Nausea – Early Signs Of Pregnancy Before Missed Period

Nausea may be one of the early signs of pregnancy and is experienced by nearly all pregnant women. Some woman can hardly keep anything down.

Morning Sickness – Early Signs Of Pregnancy Before Missed Period

This symptom usually starts around week 2 to 6 of pregnancy. Women may find certain foods and smell unpleasant and avoid them or may have nausea and vomiting, especially in the mornings. As the pregnancy progresses, the morning sickness usually disappears, but some women experience it until late in the pregnancy.

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Early Signs Of Pregnancy Before Missed Period

Weight Gain

This may occur as a result of a hormonal imbalance in the mother. Some of the weight gain is due to increased fat in the mother’s body, which she needs to meet the physical demands of pregnancy. The rest is due to fluid retention, increased blood volume, breast enlargement, and the growing fetus and placenta.

It begins in the first trimester and increases during the second and third trimesters. Eating for two can lead to weight gain and is usually not a good approach. Eating to relieve stress can be a factor, as well.

Most women gain 25 to 30 pounds during pregnancy. Your obstetrician should monitor your weight closely during your antenatal visits.

Swollen Breast

During early pregnancy, many pregnant women experience changes in their breasts, such as heaviness, swelling, tenderness, and soreness. These symptoms decrease as the pregnancy goes on.

Mood Swings

Mood swings are due to hormonal imbalances. Some women experience them from the early days of pregnancy to the end, while others find they occur less often as the pregnancy continues.

Spotting/Mild Cramping – Early Signs Of Pregnancy Before Missed Period

Spotting and mild cramping can occur when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining at 6 to 12 days after fertilization. Spotting is usually mistaken for menstruation, but it is lighter and shorter than a usual period.

Vaginal Discharge

Pregnant women notice a thick, milky vaginal discharge during the first trimester. If it has a foul smell and is accompanied by itching, it is a sign of a yeast infection, and you should contact your healthcare specialist immediately.

The discharge may only occur during early pregnancy as the vaginal wall thickens or throughout pregnancy.

Frequent Urination

This symptom usually starts around week 6 to 8. Most pregnant women experience this as a result of hormonal changes.


One of the early signs of pregnancy before a missed period is headache, which can be caused by changing hormonal levels. It can also occur throughout pregnancy. A headache is not only peculiar to pregnancy but is a common result of stress.


Most pregnant women experience tiredness during the first trimester. It may be constant. It isn’t only because of the second life growing within them.

Sensitivity to Certain Smells

A pregnant woman may be sensitive to certain smells or may have a stronger sense of smell than usual. She may hate certain foods or smells and feel nauseous and vomit when she senses them.

Certain smells begin to nauseate her.

Food Cravings – Early Signs of Pregnancy Before Missed Period

Some pregnant women begin to crave unusual foods or foods they disliked before. Some begin to dislike foods they liked before.

The cravings are the result of hormonal imbalances in the body. Eating for two may also be a factor.


Dizziness is a result of changes in hormones, which affect glucose levels or the blood pressure. Dizziness, light-headedness, and fainting can occur in the early stages of pregnancy.


Hormonal levels can cause women to have constipation early in pregnancy.

Back pain

Low back pain can be an early sign of pregnancy and may also be felt as a late symptom. It usually occurs from the first trimester throughout the pregnancy. Most pregnant women experience some back pain.

Shortness of breath

This symptom of pregnancy occurs as a result of an increased demand for oxygen to support the growing fetus.

Missed Menstruation

This is the ultimate sign of pregnancy. Menstruation is absent throughout pregnancy. Some pregnant women may experience spotting early in pregnancy; it usually occurs at the time of implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterus and can be mistaken for menstruation.

Women who have irregular menstruation may not notice the absence of menstruation right away or not until the pregnancy is far advanced.

Medical Disclaimer

The information contained in this post is for general information purposes only.
Early Signs Of Pregnancy Before Missed Period is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. is a next generation mother blog. is a next generation mother blog. is a next generation mother blog. is a next generation mother blog. is a next generation mother blog.