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20 Weeks Pregnant – Pregnancy Week 20, 21, 22 & 23

Pregnancy Information for Week 20, Week 21, Week 22 & Week 23

20 Weeks Pregnant – Pregnancy Week 20

20 Weeks Pregnant: Common Signs and Symptoms

At 20 weeks pregnant, your expanding uterus no longer fits into your pelvis. It is now at the same level as your belly button.

You have most likely gained an extra 8 to 10 pounds of weight at this point in your pregnancy.

20 Weeks Pregnant – Baby’s Development

Your baby weighs 9 ounces and is 7 inches long.

Under the layer of vernix that baby has developed, its skin is becoming thicker and the layers of the skin are becoming established.

Baby’s hair and nails are steadily growing.

At week 20 of pregnancy, some babies begin to pass meconium for the first time, and this will continue for the rest of the pregnancy and during labor and birth. Meconium is a thick, sticky, dark-colored substance and is a mix of ingested amniotic fluid, digestive secretions, skin cells, lanugo (fine hair), and other substances.

20 Weeks Pregnant – Self-Care Tips

  • To ease pain:
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Avoid sitting or standing in one position for too long.
  • Try not to cross your legs because that can restrict blood flow.
  • Take warm baths.
The Role of a Quality Mattress in Enhancing Sleep for Expectant Mothers Pregnancy MOTHER.COM MOTHER Mother | Pregnancy | Baby | Kids | Motherhood | Parenting
20 Weeks Pregnant - Pregnancy Week 20, 21, 22 & 23

21 Weeks Pregnant – Pregnancy Week 21

21 Weeks Pregnant: Common Signs and Symptoms

At 21 weeks pregnant, your stomach is growing larger by the day. Your hands and feet are swollen due to excess blood flowing through your body. This helps prepare your pelvic tissue and joints so they can widen for delivery.

Varicose veins may appear due to disrupted blood flow and hormonal changes. They are usually purple or blue meandering lines on the legs and can be painless or become swollen and painful.

21 Weeks Pregnant – Baby’s Development

At week 21 of pregnancy, your baby has been getting the vast majority of its nutrients from the placenta. By this week, baby’s intestines are developed enough to begin absorbing nutrients from the amniotic fluid. It now measures 8½ inches long and weighs about 12 ounces.

21 Weeks Pregnant – Self-Care Tips

  • Drink more water to lessen your discomfort.
  • Trade any elastic-topped socks for support hose.
  • Swelling can be reduced by eating food that is high in potassium, such as bananas, sweet potatoes, bok choy, and spinach.
  • Elevate your feet whenever possible to relieve the discomfort from varicose veins. When standing for a long time, move around rather than stay in one place. Use a stool to prop up your feet.

22 Weeks Pregnant – Pregnancy Week 22

22 Weeks Pregnant: Common Signs and Symptoms

At 22 weeks pregnant, your uterus is 2 centimeters above your belly button. It may be even higher up in the abdomen for some pregnant women.

Many pregnant women begin to feel Braxton Hicks contractions. This is simply a way that the uterus practices for delivery. At this point, if the contractions become frequent or painful, consult your doctor immediately.

22 Weeks Pregnant – Baby’s Development

At 22 weeks pregnant, your baby’s tear ducts have started to develop. It is frequently moving its completely formed eyes behind its still-closed lids. Your baby’s eyes will open in about 6 weeks.

Your baby’s iris, or colored portion of the eye, is not pigmented yet. It won’t be pigmented even at birth. You’ll have to wait until your baby is at least 9 months old before you’ll know his permanent eye color.

Your baby’s brain and nerve endings are now matured enough to feel touch. As a result, your baby is busily exploring this new sense by caressing his face and body.

At the end of this week, your baby will almost be 10 inches long and weigh about 14 ounces.

22 Weeks Pregnant – Self-Care Tips

At this point, your baby bump is very obvious. Your friends and family members may be excited to see this and may want to touch your protruding tummy. This can feel uncomfortable. It is perfectly okay to set boundaries and let them know these gestures make you uncomfortable and don’t sit well with you.

Do pregnancy yoga to feel relaxed.

The Role of a Quality Mattress in Enhancing Sleep for Expectant Mothers Pregnancy MOTHER.COM MOTHER Mother | Pregnancy | Baby | Kids | Motherhood | Parenting
20 Weeks Pregnant - Pregnancy Week 20, 21, 22 & 23

23 Weeks Pregnant – Pregnancy Week 23

23 Weeks Pregnant: Common Signs and Symptoms

At 23 weeks pregnant, you will be urinating frequently. Your uterus is now about 1½ inches above your belly button, which puts it squarely atop your bladder. You may experience urinary leakages.

You have gained between 12 and 15 pounds. Some of that weight may be due to water retention, especially in your lower extremities.

23 Weeks Pregnant – Baby’s Development

Your baby’s skin is still loose, giving him a wrinkly look, but he is gaining weight to fill out the wrinkles.

By week’s end, your baby will likely tip the scales at 1 pound and will be 11 to 14 inches long.

Lanugo, the soft fine hair that covers your baby’s skin, may become darker this week, making it visible on an ultrasound exam. Most of this hair will fall out before birth.

At week 23 of pregnancy, the Baby’s nipples are starting to form. Its face looks almost exactly as it will once it is born.

23 Weeks Pregnant – Self-care tips

At 23 weeks pregnant, you may want to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles by doing Kegel exercises. The muscles are mainly used to control urination, but they can also be developed so you can have more muscle control during labor and delivery. Doing this can make for an easier birth.

Squeeze the muscles that stop your urine flow for 5 to 10 seconds. Relax them. Repeat the exercise 10 to 20 times. Do not make a habit of stopping your urine this way.

Pregnancy Week Guides & Information:

Medical Disclaimer

The information contained in this post is for general information purposes only.
20 Weeks Pregnant - Pregnancy Week 20, 21, 22 & 23 is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. is a next generation mother blog. is a next generation mother blog. is a next generation mother blog. is a next generation mother blog. is a next generation mother blog.